Pages in Newborn Screening: More Than a PKU Screen Fact Sheet

Newborn Screening Resources
Newborn Screening: More Than a PKU Screen Fact Sheet

Produced by Baby's First Test

TYPE: Fact Sheet
PUBLISHED: Wednesday, November 28, 2018

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There are three parts to newborn screening, and over 80 screenable conditions that can be detected through these different parts. Despite this, the term "the PKU test" is still being used to describe newborn screening in the clinical setting today. Calling newborn screening "the PKU test" can have potentially harmful effects on families, and a shift in terminology use is necessary.

This one page document can be used to educate various healthcare professionals and newborn screening program staff about the importance of using the term "newborn screening." This document can be customized to reflect incidence rates for specific states (please refer to the highlighted sections of the center graphic). 


Please contact Jamie Loey at [email protected], if you are interested in creating a customized version for your state. 

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