Programs and Policy 2013 Challenge Award Projects
The 2013 projects selected reflect the diversity of the newborn screening community and aim to target a broader cross-section of the population than traditional website engagement. The cornerstones of the selected projects included the scalability of the project sand the novel exploration of the stated problem. This years awardees are as follows:
Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center (Bronx, NY)- Evaluate an educational intervention utilizing video versus the standard brochure for new parents from lower socio-economic levels
Children’s Health Improvement Partnership of the New River Valley (Radford, VA)- Evaluate the impact of incorporating newborn screening information into an existing home visiting program targeting underserves populations
Children’s National Medical Center (Washington, DC)- Translate the Heart Smart video series and Toolkit into five additional languages to inform parents about the importance of pulse-oximetry as a part of newborn screening.
Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital (Memphis, TN)- Target NICU nurses with educational interventions about newborn screening
Michigan Department of Community Health (Lansing, MI)- Increase understanding of barriers experienced by midwives and create targeted educational materials to help alleviate these barriers.
Table for Two (Atlanta, GA)- This group will work with a leading African American professional health society to develop targeted messages about newborn screening for the African American community, resulting in a PSA and infographic.
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